Finding Purpose in the Midst of a Motivation Crisis

Story by a young activist Ljubica

Last month, I was struggling with the biggest motivation crisis ever when it came to my pro-democracy activism and fighting for justice. After a long and difficult campaign this summer, I was disappointed with some decisions and some people. I had lost connection with my purpose and values. I didn't see any point in what I was doing anymore. I was convinced that nothing I did would change anything in my community. I just wanted to give up, leave the organization where I am an activist, quit my job, and start doing something else. I felt powerless and lost. Then I asked myself: "Why did you become an activist in the first place? What is your purpose? What do you want to achieve?" I had to look deep within myself, pinpoint what was bothering me, give it a name, and admit to myself that I had a problem. I had to accept the reality of the crisis and understand it to reconnect with my purpose. I also learned that many people struggled with the same challenge. Let’s talk about it!

😐 The Reality of a Motivation Crisis

Experiencing a motivation crisis is not uncommon. In fact, it’s a natural part of any professional journey. Even the most successful leaders and high-achievers encounter periods where their passion fades, and their sense of purpose feels shaky. But it’s how we navigate these moments that define our path forward.

According to research, about 45% of leaders face a motivation crisis at least once a month. Studies also show that prolonged periods of low motivation can impact productivity and decision-making, with 30% of employees reporting decreased job satisfaction during such times. Furthermore, research indicates that 60% of individuals who actively seek support or strategies to overcome these crises experience a significant improvement in their overall motivation and performance.

Every crisis is an opportunity. That feeling of low motivation points you toward a new place of growth. To move forward, you need to accept and understand it.

🤔 Understanding the Crisis

A motivation crisis often stems from a disconnect between your daily actions and your deeper sense of purpose. When the tasks on your to-do list no longer resonate with your core values or long-term goals, motivation dwindles. This misalignment can lead to burnout, frustration, and a general feeling of being stuck.

First step - take a moment to reflect on your current situation to understand it better. Are you:

🔹 Feeling drained and uninspired by your work?

🔹 Struggling to see the bigger picture in your daily tasks?

🔹 Questioning the impact of your efforts?

If any of these resonate, it might be time to reassess your purpose and realign your actions with what truly matters to you.

🫂 Reconnecting with Your Purpose

🔹 Reflect on Your Values: Take some time to revisit your core values, or to define them. What drives you? What do you care about most? Understanding these can help you reconnect with the underlying reasons for your work.

🔹 Set Meaningful Goals: Reevaluate your long-term goals and ensure they align with your values. Setting goals that matter to you personally can reignite your motivation and give you a clear direction.

🔹 Find Joy in Small Wins: Often, we overlook the small victories in pursuit of larger goals. Celebrating these can provide a much-needed boost and remind you of the progress you’re making.

🔹 Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with people, books, and experiences that inspire you. Sometimes, external sources of inspiration can reignite your internal motivation.

🪜 Practical Steps to Regain Motivation

🔹 Reframe Challenges: View obstacles as opportunities for growth. Every crisis points at something that you need to change, overcome, to become a new version of yourself. This mindset shift can turn a daunting task into a rewarding growth opportunity.

🔹 Prioritize Self-Care: Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial. Regular exercise, mindfulness practices (meditation, yoga nidra, breathing exercises), and ensuring adequate rest can help you recharge and maintain your energy levels. This also gives your brain space to process information in the background, which might lead you to an unexpected insight.

🔹 Connect with a Mentor: Sometimes, a conversation with someone you respect and admire can provide clarity and encouragement. Don’t hesitate to reach out to mentors or peers who can offer guidance. If you don’t have a mentor, look out for one of our next newsletters for more insights on that topic.

And yes, leave space for the possibility that maybe you need to change your work environment and find a new one.

📚 Book Recommendation: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

This book is one of the most impactful reads about finding purpose, especially in challenging times. Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, reveals how the pursuit of meaning is essential to human resilience and fulfillment. Here are some insights:

The Power of Purpose: Even in the darkest moments, having a sense of purpose can help you endure suffering. Frankl’s experiences in concentration camps taught him that meaning can be found in every moment, even in the face of extreme adversity. Those who were able to find something to live for were much more likely to survive.

🫂 Embracing Suffering: Frankl suggests that suffering, when unavoidable, can be transformed into a source of achievement by finding a deeper meaning behind it. This perspective can inspire you to view challenges as opportunities for growth. This is not to glorify suffering, but to acknowledge that it's sometimes unavoidable. In such cases, the best approach is to renegotiate your relationship with it.

👥 Personal Responsibility: According to Frankl, each person is responsible for finding their own purpose in life. This means that purpose is not given or randomly found, but it’s actively sought (self-authored). We wrote about how storytelling can help you clarify your purpose, check it out HERE.

Remember, a motivation crisis isn’t a sign of failure—it’s an opportunity to grow and realign with your purpose. By taking the time to reflect, reassess, and reconnect with what truly matters, you can emerge from this period with renewed energy and a clearer sense of direction.


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