The Art of Being Present

It was 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark. I was at a gathering with 60 Obama Foundation leaders when President Obama entered the room. He spent an hour talking to every person in the room. He was cheerful yet serious, authoritative yet approachable. After he left, I remember discussing with others how it felt to meet him in person. One thing stood out: it wasn't his charisma, eloquence, or wisdom, but rather the fact that he was so present! People repeatedly mentioned how they felt he was truly there, listening and responding not only to what was said, but also to what was left unsaid. They felt seen and heard. After attending 5 workshops with President Obama over the past few years, people consistently describe the same experience - he was 100% present and fully engaged. Being present is the ultimate leadership trait.

🌟What happens when you are fully present?

  1. Listening Beyond Words - Listen to understand, not to respond = empathy. Being present allows you to perceive the unspoken - the tone, energy, and body language that convey more than words.

  2. Reading the room - You will notice more, leading to improved recognition of group dynamics and non-verbal cues enabling you to make strategic leadership interventions.

  3. Trust & Deeper Connections - People will always remember how you made them feel. They will notice if you are fully there. That this conversation matters. That they matter. When people feel seen & heard, they trust more.

  4. Creative Problem-Solving - Being present allows us to solve problems effectively by minimizing distractions and stress. It enables us to focus solely on the task or issue at hand.

  5. Personal Well-being - Presence can improve your well-being, allowing you to approach life with a clearer mind and a more balanced perspective.

🧘‍♀️Practical Steps to Cultivate Presence

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Regularly practice mindfulness meditation to focus on the present moment. Try THIS 5 min guided meditation.

  2. Focused Breathing: Use breathing techniques to center your thoughts and remain in the now. Try THIS short article and exercise.

  3. Active Listening: Engage in conversations by listening attentively, without planning your response while the other person is speaking. Listen to understand, not to respond!

  4. Mindful Observation: Regularly take time to observe your surroundings & experiences without judgment. Try this in your next meeting: Get on the balcony & observe what is going on. Who is talking and, how are others reacting?

  5. Single-tasking: Focus on one task at a time, avoiding multitasking to fully engage with your current activity.

Choose just one of these five things and try it out this week. It's about creating a habit of being present so that it becomes second nature to you.

📚Book Recommendation: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

In this transformative book, Tolle explores the importance of living in the present moment. Here are my 3 key takeaways:

  1. The Illusion of Time: Tolle challenges the conventional understanding of time, suggesting that the past and future are mental constructs and true enlightenment exists only in the present moment.

  2. The Ego's Control: He delves into how our egos, fueled by our thoughts and emotions, control our lives and prevent us from experiencing the present fully.

  3. Path to Inner Peace: The book posits that true inner peace comes from disconnecting from our thoughts and emotions and embracing the present moment as our primary focus.

Until next time, give the gift of full presence to those who deserve it, including yourself.


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